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  • Writer's pictureBarbara Seele

Yoga for Women

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

Four workshops, over four month, following the lunar cycle

  • 9 February 2020, Full Moon, Sunday 4-6 pm

  • 16 March 2020, Third Quarter, Monday 6-8 pm

  • 23 April 2020, New Moon, Thursday 6-8 pm

  • 30 May 2020, First Quarter, Saturday 10-12 noon

A space for women to share, connect, and support

Each workshop will include a movement component (specifically to support the female body), an opportunity to creatively chart and explore the menstrual and/or lunar cycle, as well as a Women's Circle to hear, support, and hold space for one another.

All women are welcome and invited, regardless of age, whether you practise yoga, or have a menstrual cycle.

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